Southwest Sciences
Advancing Research & Developing Technology in the Physical Sciences
Two-time winner of the R&D100 Award and the Tibbetts Award
Southwest Sciences, Inc. was established in 1985 to conduct basic and applied research in the physical sciences. We perform research and develop technology in combustion, atmospheric chemistry, imaging, and optical sciences. We specialize in the development of state-of-the-art optical and technologies and the extension of these technologies into the marketplace. Our major customers are the United States government and private industry.
Scientific staff with over 200 years of combined experience
Southwest Sciences’ scientific staff includes six scientists with advanced degrees in chemistry, physics, and engineering. We have authored over 200 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and hold forty US and foreign patents. Our work, particularly in laser-based detection methods, has earned Southwest Sciences an international reputation for excellence in research. Collaborations with scientists in academia and at National Labs further extend our capabilities.
Services & Products

R&D Services
Southwest Sciences’ expertise and technologies are available to tackle challenging problems in process monitoring and control, environmental measurements, analytical chemistry, and many other applications in science and industry.

OTS 100 Gas Analyzer
Measure trace gases with confidence! Our benchtop diode laser-based analyzer is perfect for laboratory and industrial gas measurement applications. Available for a variety of small molecule gases, it is affordable, fully automated, compact, and weighs less than 8 lbs.

SWSpectrum Software
SWSpectrum provides absorption and wavelength modulation spectra for mixtures of any of 50 gases as a function of temperature, pressure, path length and spectral range. Use to predict experimental measurements or find spectral interferences. A powerful but easy-to-use program based on the HITRAN database.